What You Get When You Enroll:

Our Self-Paced Online Course, "The Fitness Lover's Guide To Eliminating Sciatica and Safely Returning To Exercise."

Our online course includes everything that we teach in our Physical Therapy sessions. The best part is that you can do everything from the comfort of your own living room [for less than the cost of a copay].

You Course Includes:

  • Exercises and tips for eliminating pain
  • Printable home exercise plans
  • Hours of video instruction to help you move and "do life" without pain
  • Advanced exercises that help you get fit and confidently prevent re-injury

Plus Bonus Material:

  • Medical Imaging, Medication and Surgery Guide
  • Pain Free Sex & Pain Free Sleep Guide
  • Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions 

"It is so clear and easy to read. All the things I know now that I wish I knew before. I have learned more from this course than all of my other medical visits combined."

-Kristi Rose

"My Type A personality loves this course. It's so well organized and structured, but I only wish I had it from the start of my symptoms! It definitely would've helped, especially the module on bracing and how to bend properly before starting core workouts."


Course Curriculum

  Sciatica & Back Pain Overview: Your First Steps On The Road To Recovery.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  First Step: Stop the pain NOW
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Second Step: Living WITHOUT Pain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Third Step: Preventing Future Pain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Content
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up.

Q: I have so many things coming up in the next few weeks, what if I can’t do it perfectly the entire time?

A: You do not need to complete this program in any specific time frame and there is no “perfect” way to get this done. You can consume as much or as little as you want in one sitting. Many of the tips, techniques and exercises I offer will provide immediate relief. If you are Type A you will likely do everything that I am asking of you and more. Type B’s, the beauty of this course is that you don’t need to consume every module to see change, but I hope you do. 

Q: I have tried everything under the sun. Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Massage, Acupuncture and I haven’t seen any progress. What makes you think this will be any different?

A: I am a physical therapist so I can confidently say that no two medical providers are alike. I have seen the most loving and compassionate medical providers offer advice that made me scratch my head. I’ve seen acupuncturists give more sound advice about exercise than some physical therapists and I’ve seen some chiropractors and physical therapists use an acupuncture needle with more skill and effectiveness than some acupuncturists.

The point is that this plan is likely different from anything you have seen. It is a proven and comprehensive plan that provides something most doctors appointments cannot, which is a step by step plan that you can follow at your own pace. It is common for us medical providers to overload you with a pile of information and a home exercise plan, and then scold you when you return only have done or retained half of what we told you.

I cannot provide my patients with everything they need to know in 4 sessions let alone 1 session. This is a resource that ensures my patients have everything they need to know in order to achieve their goals. 

Q: How can you help me fix my Sciatica and Back Pain without actually seeing me and getting your hands on me?

A: Great question! At one time I wasn’t even sure if this was possible until I tested it and realized it was just as helpful and in a lot of cases more helpful. Skilled medical providers understand what is causing your Sciatica. We know the specific tissues that are injured with Sciatica and what needs to be done to help them heal.

We know what postures make it worse and what postures make it better. We have seen hundreds of people with the same injury making the same mistakes at the gym and in their “rehab programs.” Would I benefit from seeing you move, testing your strength, checking your flexibility or pressing on your back? Of course. However, could I get you the same outcome without seeing all of those things? Absolutely. I know because I have helped plenty of people without getting my hands on them.

Before I made this course I spent hours out of my week sending people pictures of exercises and offering education on how to avoid the pitfalls of Sciatica. Now all that information is easily accessible and in on place. 

Q: What if I only have back pain and no pain down my leg (Sciatica), will this course still be helpful?

A: Short answer: In almost all cases, yes. Every module, regardless of the injury will be helpful in eliminating back pain, building a stronger back and making you more mobile! 

Long Answer: It is common for people to have Back Pain and Sciatica. That is because Sciatica is a pain that radiates into your hip, leg and/or foot that stems from an injury to your back, typically a tear in one of your discs. Back Pain by itself will benefit from every piece of advice offered in this course. 

The only exception is that younger people with ONLY back pain and elderly people with back pain or Sciatica pain may be adverse to exercises that cause an arching (hollowing) in the lower back. In the course we make it very clear that you will avoid those specific exercises if they worsen your pain. 

Q: I was told by my doctor that my injury will require surgery. Would this course still be helpful?

A: Yes, of course. Shockingly, the information in this course has been helpful for preventing surgery! If for some reason your injury truly requires surgery (something we actually provide guidance on in our Bonus Content) this is still a perfect program for you to implement after a surgery. The foundational principles and guidelines in this course are the same ones I incorporate for non surgical and surgical patients. 

Q: I tried another course for back pain that did not help. How is this any different?

A: I have seen those courses. Many of them are being offered by people without a medical degree who are not using research supported guidance or by big corporations that have an hourly employee being told they need to create a course. I can honestly say that I LOVED making this course and have treated hundreds of people with Sciatica and Back Pain, including myself. I understand all of the stress and doubt that comes with pain and just like many of you I have had to test different treatment techniques and theories about back pain to see what actually works. 

Q: Is this course only for people that consider themselves “fit” or workout a lot?

A: Absolutely not. This course is designed for younger to middle aged adults that enjoy exercise or at the least want the option to engage in exercise so they can be healthier. Many of the exercises in this course are rehabilitative. Which means they are designed for people with no or low experience performing exercise. For those who love the gym and strive to get back, this course will teach you how to prevent back injury in any and all forms of exercise. We also provide more advanced exercises at the end of this course for those who consider themselves “fitness enthusiasts.”

Q: How will I get access to this course?

A: Once you sign up you will be prompted to make a username and password that you can use to access this information… forever! The best part is that I will continually update this course to optimize its performance and as we learn new and exciting information from research. 

Q: What if I don’t see any change in my pain or quality of life with this course?

A: We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee that we discuss in more detail above. Simply email us letting us know that you have put in the work without any change in your quality of life and we will refund you the full investment.  

Q: I am not on Facebook, how can I still get the group coaching and community?

A: All of the content in the course is in a separate online learning portal that has nothing to do with Facebook. However, Facebook is a place where I regularly provide more tips and answer questions from other people going through the course. Questions that you are likely to have at some point as well! So do yourself a service and create an account, even if it is a dummy account so you can join the experience. 

Q: Can you remind me of everything I am getting when I sign up today?

A: Here is what you get when you enroll in Freedom From Sciatica Pain.

Access: To our signature approach for resolving Sciatica from the comfort of your own home. This includes lifetime access and regular updates as we learn more about the human body through high quality research. 

Resources: Tons of videos and guides filled with exercises, strategies and techniques for eliminating pain in your day to day activities at home, work and in the gym. 

Private Community: A private Facebook community to get support, ask questions and keep motivation strong. 

Hi! I am Michael Infantino.

I have a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science. I have taken everything I have learned from working with patients day in and day out, countless research papers, and education from some of the brightest minds in medicine and science, and channeled it into a comprehensive, simple step by step course that teaches you exactly what you need to do to free yourself from Sciatica and back pain.  

Something that I don’t talk about a lot is how my own experience with Sciatica and back pain influenced my passion for solving this problem. I started having occasional back pain in high school when I was first introduced to the gym. I lacked an understanding of proper mechanics and ALWAYS sacrificed form for more weight.

I didn’t actually experience Sciatica until I was in Graduate School. After a SERIOUS game of flag football (obviously my dreams of athletic stardom faded quickly after high school) I found myself with intense back pain and radiating right leg pain that was on and off for about 2 months. The scary part was the occasional numbness in my right foot. For years, I noticed my foot “dragging” or “slapping” the ground when I ran too long and sometimes just while walking. It drove me crazy. 

This was a blessing and a curse. It humbled me tremendously and allowed me to connect on a deeper level with patients who faced the same challenges and fears that I once had. The number of books, courses, articles and research papers I consumed eventually allowed me to not only help myself, but also allowed me to really understand the best treatment approach for my patients, family and friends that were faced with similar issues. 

To this day I still get some occasional pain or numbness if I break the rules that I provide in this course. But it is empowering to know I can avoid and resolve these symptoms at any point. What’s cool is that in all reality the approach for resolving and preventing Sciatica is simple. In this course I have provided an easy, self paced plan for helping you solve the same problems I once faced.     

Michael Infantino

Ready to put an end to Sciatica and Back Pain?